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Cadbury's relaunches popular chocolate bar - 20 years after it vanished from shelves | Money

June 14, 2024

Cadbury's is relaunching a popular chocolate bar, two decades since it was discontinued. Read this and the rest of today's consumer and personal finance news in the Money blog - and leave your thoughts on anything we cover below.

The many discontinued chocolate bars, crisps and sweets you want to see return...

Following news that Cadbury's is relaunching its Top Deck chocolate bar after 20 years (see our 11.00 post), we asked you what confectionary, crisps and general food products you wanted to return - and the response has, frankly, been overwhelming.

We've had hundreds and hundreds of suggestions, with many items being mentioned time and again, alongside some more obscure yearnings.

Here is a relatively small selection of your responses:

  • Cadbury's Spira
    Perhaps the most popular of the now discontinued chocolate bars among our readers, it was on sale from 1989 until 2005 - and has even spawned a Facebook page dedicated to demanding it is brought back. One reader, Craggers, said: "Spira was the best Cadbury's chocolate and it was best used as a straw with hot chocolate. It must be brought back surely!!" Daz74, meanwhile, simply said of the treat: "Two spiral, long bars of pure heaven."
  • Cadbury's Fuse
    Among the most requested items. One of those demanding it go back on sale, Alex, said: "I would love to see the return of the Fuse bar. Peanuts, raisins, biscuit and fudge, it was delicious!"
  • Cadbury's Aztec
    Discontinued in 1978, not all our readers will be old enough to remember this particular chocolate bar, although those who can are certainly enthusiastic. Berlingirl described it as an "exquisite combination of a Mars bar and a Milky Way".
  • Spangles
    A brand of boiled sweets produced by Mars Ltd from the 1950s until the 1980s, this was also a product that clearly evoked nostalgic longings among man readers - with Tommo Boy simply saying: "Yummy."
A Spangles wrapper
  • Texan
    Another chocolate bar that prompted lots of mentions despite being withdrawn from sale in 1984 (albeit with a brief revival by Nestle in 2005). Pablo from Padiham said: "It was surely the greatest confection ever created."
  • Bar Six
    Another nostalgic favourite, it was compared by some to the popular Kit-Kat. Lamenting its removal from shops, UkBulldog said: "My favourite from childhood."
  • Caramac
    Apparently only discontinued in 2023, the caramel-based confectionery clearly still elicits significant fondness. JoJoBear said: "It should never have been discontinued - as its unique taste and texture have never been replicated by any other bar!!!!" An even more dramatic statement was sent to us by Ben M, who said: "Life isn't worth living, without its sugary heaven!"
  • Dark chocolate Bounty
    We've included this because there were several mentions, although it apparently remains on sale in the UK, albeit seemingly in fewer outlets than in the past. This will be news to Shandy75, among others, who hailed it as "the best chocolate bar ever".

Again, we've had far too many suggestions to mention, some more obscure than others.

They have included (but are certainly not limited to): Banjo bar, Rowntrees Tooty Frooties, Burtons Potato Puffs, Cadbury's Wispas mint, Cadbury's Boost coconut, Cadbury's Cream Teddy Bears, Birds Eye frozen cod balls in batter, Cadbury's Snowflake, Oxo flavoured crisps, Knorr micro noodles, Rowntrees Secret bar and Heinz toast toppers.

Keep your suggestions coming, and we may well return to this theme in the future - and even attempt to establish if the various manufacturers have any plans to relaunch any more of your old favourites.

Source: Sky News

Image: The Mirror