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More People in the UK Believe Immigration Has a Negative Impact

June 18, 2024

A YouGov survey conducted reveals significant political distrust and varying public opinions on immigration in the UK.

The survey found that 43% of respondents believe immigration has a negative impact on British society, while 35% view it positively. Regional differences were notable, with London and Scotland showing more favourable attitudes toward immigration.

Age differences also emerged, with 54% of 18 to 24-year-olds seeing immigration positively, in contrast to 58% of those aged 65 and older who perceive it negatively.

Opinions on the economic impact of immigration were split, with 39% seeing it as positive and 37% as negative. A gender divide was also evident: 34% of women versus 43% of men believed immigration benefits the economy.

The survey highlighted concerns about cutting immigration, with respondents fearing negative effects on the NHS, hospitality, universities, and social care, but seeing potential benefits for housing.

Political distrust was widespread, with 52% of respondents doubting Labour's honesty on immigration, and 49% feeling the same about the Conservatives.

Every region and demographic group expressed distrust toward the two main parties on this issue. Conversely, 60% of respondents believed Reform UK was truthful about its stance on immigration.

Additionally, a significant majority believed that any government, regardless of party, could reduce immigration if it truly desired but acknowledged that the consequences of such actions might be undesirable.