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Is Elon Musk Poaching Talent from His Own Companies?

June 19, 2024

Elon Musk’s artificial intelligence startup, xAI, has reportedly seen a significant influx of former Tesla Inc. employees, raising concerns and sparking controversy. 

This trend has drawn attention to Musk's talent acquisition strategies and the potential impact on Tesla's workforce.

xAI has attracted numerous ex-Tesla employees, particularly from the Autopilot division, following a series of layoffs at Tesla. These employees were quickly offered positions at xAI, according to Business Insider.

At least 18 former Tesla employees have also joined Neuralink, another Musk venture focusing on brain-implantable chips.

Tesla supporters and investors are worried about Musk allegedly diverting AI talent away from Tesla to xAI. Some have even taken legal action against Musk for this perceived talent siphoning.

The Autopilot division, crucial for Tesla's AI technologies, was significantly impacted by the layoffs, with over 10% of Tesla’s workforce affected.

Musk has been vocal about the importance of AI for Tesla’s future success. However, he has diverted crucial AI chips from Tesla to xAI, a move highlighted by CNBC.

Workforce Composition

xAI: The startup primarily consists of AI tutors, many of whom were previously employed by Tesla. These tutors are responsible for labelling data for xAI’s main product, a chatbot named Grok.


X (formerly Twitter): Another small company compared to Tesla, with around 1,000 employees, includes a noticeable number of ex-Tesla workers.

Tesla: Despite these transitions, Tesla maintains a massive global workforce of over 100,000.


The movement of employees from Tesla to xAI and other Musk ventures raises questions about the sustainability of Tesla's talent pool and the strategic direction of Musk's businesses. 

While the influx of AI talent to xAI might bolster its capabilities, it potentially weakens Tesla's AI divisions, crucial for its Autopilot and broader autonomous driving ambitions. 

The situation underscores the complexities of managing multiple high-tech ventures and the potential conflicts that can arise from shared talent pools.
Source: Fortune