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Bootstrapping 101: How vital is marketing to a fledgling startup

August 5, 2021

Two fundamental truths exist when marketing a startup. One is that a great product alone is not enough to succeed. The other is that no amount of marketing will make a crap product gain a mass audience.

“Nothing kills a bad company faster than good marketing”

Successful startup marketing requires that you have both a great product and great marketing. For that reason, I’ve focused this guide on both customer acquisition and improving your product-market fit.

One of the mistakes startup companies typically make in the early stages of development is overlooking the importance of marketing and branding their company image. While the logistics of startup finance, shipping, and delivery, staff hires, etc. are of course essential, startup branding and advertising are also incredibly important to a company’s internal solidarity, customer outreach, and overall success.

The next paragraphs explain how key marketing is for startups :

The Establishment of Company Identity

Startup marketing and branding are such integral components of company development because they help a new business establish an individual brand identity. A company’s brand is more than its logo—it is its entire personality. Thus, the process of choosing and advertising a brand allows a company to express their core values and business methods, which adds coherence and organization to the company mission. A clear vision can help to guarantee a startup’s success, as it forces a company to clearly state its goals, making it easier to follow through on its own plans.

Differentiation from the Competition

Startup marketing and branding also helps a startup set itself apart from the competition. Formulating a brand identity requires that a new company conduct research into their customer base and the surrounding market. This in turn helps companies articulate what it is that makes them unique, and what particular gaps they are filling in their respective markets. The ability to then effectively sell their unique contribution can bring in a variety of new customers who are looking for the specific product or service offered by the startup.

A Promise of Longevity

Additionally, establishing a brand and a clearly marketed identity serves as an assurance to customers that a company will be in business for a long time. By carefully formulating a brand identity that coincides with its values, goals, and beliefs, a company is clearly demonstrating its investment in its own mission and product. The care a company takes in marketing to its demographic, whether it is through a commercial, a website, or a print ad, signals that it intends to be a reliable and recognizable business for the long term.

Customer Relationships and Loyalty

Finally, brands by their very definition are meant to inspire loyalty amongst a customer base. Every day, consumers are bombarded with thousands of different company names, brand images, and commercials. To grab the attention of the average consumer, a new company has to challenge itself to devise a unique marketing campaign—since without customers, of course, the business cannot succeed. For this reason, it is important that startups not give short shrift to the processes of branding and marketing.