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How can the UAE build on its best-ever Cannes LIONS ranking in 2025?

September 18, 2024

Leaders from the Cannes LIONS top ranked MENA agencies have shared their reactions to the United Arab Emirates claiming its best position ever on the global Cannes LIONS ranking.

The UAE broke into the Top 10 of the Cannes LIONS annual definitive ranking, claiming the eighth spot on the respected global ranking for the first time in five years, as revealed in the LIONS Creativity report, which has become the benchmark for impactful creativity and creative effectiveness.

The agencies that catalysed and fuelled the UAE’s rankings were named in the Cannes LIONS agency rankings for the MENA region. Impact BBDO claimed the top spot in this ranking for the sixth year in a row with FP7 McCann – Dubai, and Saatchi & Saatchi ME – Dubai claiming the second and third sports respectively.

Leo Burnett – Dubai & Jeddah, Impact BBDO – Cairo, ADPRO OMD – Amman, Serviceplan Middle East – Dubai, and SRMG Labs – Riyadh closed out the Top 10 agencies in the region.

“This accomplishment will undoubtedly attract even more talent to the UAE, further solidifying its position as a creative hub. As an industry, we must continue to collaborate and build on this success, pushing the boundaries even further and reaching new heights,” said Dani Richa, Chairman, Impact BBDO

Commenting on the implications of the UAE’s climb in the rankings, Dani Richa, Chairman – EMEA, Impact BBDO told Campaign Middle East, “This recognition underscores the visionary leadership of this nation, where the belief that “nothing is impossible” truly resonates. This accomplishment will undoubtedly attract even more talent to the UAE, further solidifying its position as a creative hub. As an industry, we must continue to collaborate and build on this success, pushing the boundaries even further and reaching new heights. We have the potential to achieve even greater things and continue showcasing the UAE’s creative prowess on the global stage.

As an agency leader contributing to the UAE’s achievement, Richa added, It’s indeed fantastic to witness the UAE securing the 8th position in the Cannes Lions Global Ranking. Being part of this achievement is a true honour and a testament to the incredible opportunities and creative spirit that flourish within the UAE.”

FP7 McCann, the agency that lifted a Silver LION for its Testicular Cancer Society ‘Highlight Your Balls’ campaign, 3 Bronze LIONs for its McDonald’s ‘After-Dinner Dinner’ campaign, and a Bronze LION each for its ‘Heinz Ketchup Insurance’ and the ‘Selfless Shelves’ Arla Foods campaigns at the 2024 iteration of the Cannes LIONS Awards, also shared their reaction to the UAE’s rise in the rankings.

“True greatness stems from a deep understanding of our clients’ goals. While agency creativity is key, it’s the boldness of brands that embrace daring ideas that wins awards and elevates a nation’s creative ambition.” said Federico Fanti, Chief Creative Officer, FP7 McCann.

Federico Fanti, Chief Creative Officer at FP7McCannsaid, “The UAE’s rise into the Top 10 of the Cannes Lions Creativity Report is a bold statement of our nation’s ambition and growing influence in the global creative industry. Ranking eighth in the world highlights how visionary agencies and brave clients are pushing creative boundaries. This is more than just a milestone; it reflects the UAE’s drive for innovation and impact. Together, we’re shaping the future of creativity.”

Fanti added, “On a personal note, true greatness stems from a deep understanding of our clients’ goals. While agency creativity is key, it’s the boldness of brands that embrace daring ideas that wins awards and elevates a nation’s creative ambition. The UAE’s Cannes Lions success proves this. A huge thank you to our partners in crime — Arla Foods, Heinz, McDonald’s, and more — for believing in the power of creativity. Together, we keep breaking barriers and achieving greatness.”

“This breakthrough is just the beginning of what’s to come for the MENA region. I’ve always believed in letting the work do the talking and clearly, the work has spoken – a loud and clear statement that we are here to take the stage and the world by storm.” said Kalpesh Patankar, Chief Creative Officer, Leo Burnett UAE.

Ali Rez, Chief Creative Officer, Impact BBDO, who was at Cannes LIONS 2024 and lifted the region’s only Cannes LIONS Grand Prix — the Lions Health Grand Prix for Good for its UN Women ‘Child Wedding Card’ campaign shared his thoughts, as well.

Rez said, “Creativity demands that one thinks big, while believing that no idea is impossible. What better place to exemplify that philosophy than the UAE? This ranking is testament to the power of creative imagination and growth in the country, and is only going to get higher and higher. What’s wonderful to see is that brands and agencies in the UAE are aligned in this drive to be the best in the world. Not only is IMPACT BBDO proud to see this incredible nation ranked amongst the Top 10 Most Creative Countries in the World, but is also delighted to having led the UAE with our own No.1 ranking in MENA.”

Leo Burnett, which lifted seven Cannes LIONS trophies, and contributed to lifting the UAE up from the 11th position in 2023 to the 8th rank globally in 2024, also had its say.

Kalpesh Patankar, Chief Creative Officer, Leo Burnett UAE, said, “This breakthrough is just the beginning of what’s to come for the MENA region. I’ve always believed in letting the work do the talking and clearly, the work has spoken – a loud and clear statement that we are here to take the stage and the world by storm.”

“Leo Burnett has been instrumental in setting standards and driving industry-defining work, and we intend to continue reaching for the stars. It’s a proud moment for our teams, our brands, and our friends from across the region’s advertising fraternity. From here, it’s just onwards and upwards,” Patankar added.

“The UAE’s top 10 debut at Cannes Lions shows it’s no longer catching up — it’s setting trends and making a global impact. The region is now a powerhouse of daring ideas resonating far beyond its borders,” Sebastien Boutebel, Chief Creative Officer, Saatchi & Saatchi ME.

Additionally, Saatchi & Saatchi ME, which was ranked third by Cannes LIONS in the MENA region after claiming a Silver LION for its ‘Offset Box’ campaign for Kinokuniya, and a Bronze LION for its ‘Taboo Totes’ campaign for Nana, also shared their take on the UAE claiming a Top 10 spot.

Sebastien Boutebel, Chief Creative Officer – Saatchi & Saatchi ME, concluded, “Saatchi & Saatchi ME’s third place win marks a creative milestone in the Middle East, with bold ambition driving innovation. The UAE’s top 10 debut at Cannes Lions shows it’s no longer catching up — it’s setting trends and making a global impact. The region is now a powerhouse of daring ideas resonating far beyond its borders”.

The trajectory has been set, and the expectations for 2025 are even higher. As the headline states, can the UAE claim a Top 5 Cannes LIONS rankings in 2025? Agency leaders remain optimistic.

MiddleEast Campaign