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How to Survive Heat Waves

July 18, 2022

Last Friday (July 15, 2022), the UK government issued an extreme heat warning, declaring a national emergency. The warning became necessary as extreme heat poses a great threat to lives and livelihoods. In particular, the UK Health Security Agency warned that illness and death could happen "among the fit and healthy".

Apart from the number of restrictions and plans the government puts in place to manage the situation, in this article, we discuss what you can do as an individual to survive the hostile atmosphere.

What is heat wave?
A heat wave is a time of extreme temperature, normally enduring at least two days. To qualify as a heat wave, the recorded temperatures should be over the normal temperatures for a given region; 30°C in Las Vegas during spring is normal, yet 30°C in Toronto during spring is very hot.

According to the World Health Organisation, the number of people affected by heatwaves increased by 125 million between 2000 and 2016. Heat waves assume the form of hot, scourging wind. 

What causes heat waves?
Heat waves are the aftereffect of stranded air. Naturally, air circles the globe in huge swirling breezes. If it is stuck north of a particular region, it warms to unusual temperatures because of sunlight. The air is usually stuck because of high-pressure frameworks.

These frameworks force the air downwards, essentially going about as a huge cap. With the air being caught, it can't ascend to the cooler, upper atmosphere. This, then, prevents rainfall and snow.

Why bother about heatwaves?
1. Heat waves can be very dangerous, particularly when the general population isn't prepared. For instance, in July 2012 more than 8000 temperature records were broken in the United States, and several deaths were linked to the heat waves. In 2003, heatwaves killed around 70,000 individuals in Europe. In Russia alone, 40,000 people were killed by a heatwave.

2. Heat waves can easily get you dehydrated.

3. Overheating, which can make worsen the condition of people having heart or breathing issues.

4. It can also lead to heat fatigue and heatstroke.

How to survive heat waves 
The following tips will help to mitigate the effects of heat waves.

1. Pay special attention to those who may find it difficult to keep themselves hydrated such as the old and disabled.

2. Stay in touch with people by phone if you live alone.

3. If it’s cooler indoors, shut your door and windows.

4. Drink plenty of water and other healthy liquids but less alcohol.

5. Do not leave children or pets in a closed, parked vehicle.

6. Stay up to date with weather forecasts to get warnings promptly.

7. Stay away from the sun by mid-day if you can and walk under the shade whenever possible.

8. Have enough water with you whenever you are traveling a long distance.

Final thoughts
Heat wave is a life-threatening phenomenon. Nevertheless, putting these safety tips into practice will help you to mitigate its adverse effects. Also, remember to show adequate care for the most vulnerable and sensitize friends, neighbours and family members to reduce the number of victims.

Image source: MSBM